Ports to avoid
Date: 25 Aug 2013Author: Erik Dubbelboer
When developing web applications I very often use ports different than 80. Mostly because port 80 is already taken.
When using Chrome there are actually some ports you want to avoid because they are blocked by default. Here is a list of those ports and what runs on them normally:
1, // tcpmux 7, // echo 9, // discard 11, // systat 13, // daytime 15, // netstat 17, // qotd 19, // chargen 20, // ftp data 21, // ftp access 22, // ssh 23, // telnet 25, // smtp 37, // time 42, // name 43, // nicname 53, // domain 77, // priv-rjs 79, // finger 87, // ttylink 95, // supdup 101, // hostriame 102, // iso-tsap 103, // gppitnp 104, // acr-nema 109, // pop2 110, // pop3 111, // sunrpc 113, // auth 115, // sftp 117, // uucp-path 119, // nntp 123, // NTP 135, // loc-srv /epmap 139, // netbios 143, // imap2 179, // BGP 389, // ldap 465, // smtp+ssl 512, // print / exec 513, // login 514, // shell 515, // printer 526, // tempo 530, // courier 531, // chat 532, // netnews 540, // uucp 556, // remotefs 563, // nntp+ssl 587, // stmp? 601, // ?? 636, // ldap+ssl 993, // ldap+ssl 995, // pop3+ssl 2049, // nfs 3659, // apple-sasl / PasswordServer 4045, // lockd 6000, // X11 6665, // Alternate IRC [Apple addition] 6666, // Alternate IRC [Apple addition] 6667, // Standard IRC [Apple addition] 6668, // Alternate IRC [Apple addition] 6669, // Alternate IRC [Apple addition]comments powered by Disqus